Now that the Individual Evaluations are done, you may manage Consensus Evaluations for submitted proposals via the following functions:

  • Initiating a Consensus Evaluation
  • Check status, statistics, and details of a Consensus Evaluation

Initiating a Consensus Evaluation

NOTE: Initiating a Consensus will Lock any Individual Evaluations that are not complete.

  1. Open the Solicitation and navigate to the Proposals. Click on the desired Proposal. 
  2. Click on the Evaluations Tab, then the Consensus View, then Initiate Consensus. 
  3. Set Due Date for each Factor that is to begin Consensus by clicking on the Due Date field for a factor. 
  4. Select a day in the calendar that pops up and click OK. 
  5. Select the hour and click OK. 
  6. Select the minute and click OK. 
  7. Select AM or PM and click OK.
  8. Repeat Step 4 for any additional Factor to be initiated at this time for Consensus.
  9. Initiate Factors with Due Date set by selecting desired Factors and clicking on the Initiate button. 
  10. Close the Success popup message.

NOTE: To initiate any remaining Factors for a Consensus, simply follow these steps for the remaining Factors.

Check status, statistics, and details of a Consensus Evaluation

  1. Access list of Evaluations. 
  2. Click on Factor with Consensus initiated by the Contracting Officer. The Summary view contains information such as who is on the panel, range of characteristics submitted through Individual Evaluations, status of the Consensus, etc. 
  3. Click on the Consensus Tab to see a list of Characteristics from the Individual Evaluations.